2000's Photos

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2000's Photos

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Root beer & a sandwich, age 21. On break from work. At age 21, chillin with old pal, Carl. Ah, yeah. Hive Archive opens, 01 Goin to Emily's Junior Prom 2001. Stereo Discount Center, Spring '01 Ray Anthony, Las Vegas '01. What am I looking at? Orlando '01. January 2001, inside Ocean. December, 15th 2000, 9:30 am. Foxwoods Hotel room, 12-00 With pal Ella in hotel room, 12-00 Pal dave in foxwoods hotel Gingerbread house at foxwoods 12-00 Foxwoods Casino escaltor, 12-14-00 In me room, March 2000.
Relaxing at Thompkin Sq. 04 At Anti-Hoot, all made up. Age 24. Hat is nice, lip is out. 2004, baby!
I like this mirror. Spring 2004. Jake & Brittney visit, Feb 2003. Javed and I were hungry. 8/01. Got a new photo ID, 8/01. With Tealuxe Mgr. Megan, getting hi At work with Jaime. Smr 2001. Laura Conover, Summer 2001 Its that guy. And he's 21. Foreign Affair's Becky & Louise. Friend Genie and I enjoy each other. Bob at Ocean Coffee. 2001.
Fucking tired, at 3am. Age 24. New York City, March 2004.